The results of phenological observations in plants of steppe and meadow habitats of RLP "The Velykyi Burluk-Steppe" and NNP “Dvorichanskyi”
The data of phenological observations in plants of steppe and meadow habitats in north-eastern part of Kharkiv Region are given over the five year period (2012–2016). The main tasks were to select and to test the most suitable phenological indicators. We used the standard methods of phenological observations. The beginning of a phenological event is considered as joining in it of about 10% individuals of the species in its typical habitat. The phenological indicators for this region were: blooming of first plants of Scilla sibirica was chosen as indicator of the beginning of spring; start of Rosa canina flowering – as the indicator of the beginning of summer; the first event of the pre-winter behavior of some species of flies, which will overwinter in the imago stage – as the indicator of the beginning of the intermediate period between summer and autumn; the end of the growing season of perennial herbs of pastures as the indicator of the beginning of the dormant period. In the article the selection of phenological periods and sub-periods for the open habitats is substantiated; their timing and accordance to the seasons are discussed. The phenological summer was the most stable period; its timing and the duration varied the least (106±2.3 days). The end of winter and, accordingly, the start of spring was the most variable meteorological date (3 March ± 20 days).
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