The S-100b protein level changes in the different brain areas of gerbils at aging and alpha-ketoglutarate effect

  • Ю. П. Ковальчук
  • Г. О. Ушакова
Keywords: S-100b; cerebellum; hippocampus; thalamus; aging; alpha-ketoglutarate


S-100b protein is often used as a marker of astrocytes, especially at brain damage (cortical, ischemic, etc.). The paper presents the dynamics of the concentration of S-100b protein in the cerebellum, thalamus and hippocampus of Mongolian gerbils to determine the reference data on the level of this protein in the brain during ontogenesis. The concentration of S-100b protein elevated in the brain to the level of adult animals at 30 days of postnatal development (increase was of almost 4 times compared to newborns animals). At aging hyperactivation of S-100b production was noted in the cerebellum and hippocampus, which may indicate the activation of calcium-dependent mechanism of astrogliosis that lead to inhibition of neurophysiological processes that are provided in these parts of the brain (the coordination of movement, learning and memory). The long-term diet with 2% of alpha-ketoglutarate for 6 months prevents overproduction of S-100b in the hippocampus in older animals.


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How to Cite
Ковальчук, Ю. П., & Ушакова, Г. О. (1). The S-100b protein level changes in the different brain areas of gerbils at aging and alpha-ketoglutarate effect. The Journal of V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Biology», 24(1153), 187-191. Retrieved from