Logical-historical stages of the development of the information network economy

  • Oleksandra Kereia V.N. Karazіn Kharkiv National University, 1, Mironositskaya Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine
Keywords: post-capitalism, information network economy, development process, capitalism crisis.


The information and technological revolution radically changed the subject and means of labour, property rights, the value formation and price fixing mechanism. These processes mark the formation of the information network economy, but they don`t comport with capitalist market laws.
The author proposed periodization and description of origin and formation stages of the information network economy. The basis of this theoretical concept is the idea that each system goes through the stages of the origin, formation, development on its own basis, the emergence of alien elements, decomposition and extinction.
Stages of origin and formation of the information network economy, according to this logic, are accompanied by the emergence of alien elements and decomposition of the system of industrial-market economy respectively. The occurrence of singular phenomena of the information network economy in the environment of industrial system takes place at the origin stage. It includes phases of protogenesis and genesis. The result of capitalistic restructuring and industrial turning point is the emergence of the new organization forms, in particular, transfer from vertically integrated organization structures to horizontal ones.
The formation stage is characterized by creation of a new system, which starts to compete with the old one, strives for self-affirmation. Transition to the formation stage of information network economy takes place in the 90s of the XX century. General characteristics of this stage are creation of network markets, electronic business and electronic money, creation of new business patterns on the basis of Information and Communication Technologies. The phases of this stage are mostly extensive formation and mostly intensive formation. The article provides the argumentation of the incompleteness transition of the information network economy to the stage of development on its own basis.
The purpose of this article is reproduction and analysis of the logical-historical stages of development of the information network economy.



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How to Cite
Kereia, O. (2017). Logical-historical stages of the development of the information network economy. Social Economics, 53(1), 12-18. https://doi.org/10.26565/2524-2547-2017-53-02