Indicator flora of the river Turija

  • О. О. Цьось Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Keywords: species diversity, higher aquatic vegetation, submerged plants, water quality class, coastal air-water plants, plants with floating leaves, phytoindication, flora


We laid 4 trial areas: 2 km over the flow of the river in the village of Zaturtsi (target № 1), in Kovel (target № 2), in the village Bachiv, over 500 m below the сleaning construction (stations № 3), the fourth behind the Buzaky village, near the mouth (target № 4) for the study and analyze the species composition of higher aquatic and coastal-aquatic plants of the river Turija and identification of sensitive species to pollution.

As the result of the research it was found that the species composition of Turija`s flora concluded 59 species of aquatic and coastal aquatic plants belonging to three departments (Equisetophyta, Polipodiophyta and Magnoliophyta), 25 families and 39 genera. The families of Potamogetonaceae – 5 (8.47%) and Cyperaceae – 9 (15.25%) concluded the greatest number of species.

The highest species diversity was detected in the area № 2 in Kovel – 33 species of higher aquatic and coastal-aquatic plants, and less in Buzaky (area № 4), where we have identified 26 species.

Only 7 species of plants, which were on all test areas were found. 16 species were found only in one are, 22 species were found in half of the area.

The largest group of plants, according to their distribution in the reservoirs is the coastal air-water vegetation – 39 species (66,10 %). A group of plants with floating leaves includes 10 species (16,95 %), 10 species (16,95 %) belong to submerged plants.

It was found 14 species of higher aquatic plants that were sensitive to pollution. Three of these species are with a ratio value of the indicator (zi) 3, 2 – with the ratio value of the indicator (zi) 2 and 9 species are with a ratio value of the indicator (zi) 1.


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How to Cite
Цьось, О. О. (2016). Indicator flora of the river Turija. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Еcоlogy, (14), 71-77.