Theoretical and practical mechanisms for retraction anthropogenic risks in the public administration system

Keywords: profiling, national security, public administration, critical infrastructure, personnel..


The article offers the author’s vision of the use of profiling methods to prevent the occurrence of anthropogenic risk or reduce its negative consequences for the system of public administration and national security. The purpose of this article is to continue the study of profiling mechanisms in the area of identifying threats to the State security. In particular, the article reveals and clarifies the aspects related directly to the human factor, the impact of persons holding elective office, MPs, etc. on the processes of public administration. This becomes especially important in the context of global geopolitical changes, increased military, criminal, terrorist and other risks and threats. The author separately outlines the risks that may be entailed by the appointment to a civil service or elective office of a person who may have the relevant offender profile, in particular, ‘traitor’, ‘corrupt official’, ‘terrorist’, ‘hired killer’, ‘mentally ill person’, ‘drug addict’ and others. The author proposes a number of methods that can provide a certain level of security for the public administration system itself. It is recommended to use profiling as a method of predictive analysis of the behaviour of an anthropogenic type of threat – the offender and related events, especially in relation to elected and civil service positions.


Author Biographies

Sergiy Lukin, Regional Centre for Advanced Training in Kyiv Region, Lesia Ukrainka Square, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor,
Director of the Regional Centre for Advanced Training in Kyiv Region,
Lesia Ukrainka Square, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine

Oleksandr Tykhonenko, Regional Centre for Advanced Training of Kyiv Region, Lesia Ukrainka Square, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD in Public Administration, Lecturer
at the Regional Centre for Advanced Training of Kyiv Region,
Lesia Ukrainka Square, 1, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Lukin, S., & Tykhonenko, O. (2025). Theoretical and practical mechanisms for retraction anthropogenic risks in the public administration system. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(79), 478–491.
Foreign Policy and National Security