• S.  Sitnik  PhD in Public Administration, Deputy Head of the Department for Family and Youth Affairs of the Department for Family Affairs, Youth and Sports of the Kharkiv City Council, Kharkiv
Keywords: public family policy, gender policy, gender culture, demographic situation, reformatting of gender relations, gender, social justice, gender approach in public administration, equality.


The main goals of the state family policy are studied. The specifics of gender analysis of the state family policy, the main grounds for the introduction of a gender approach in public administration are analyzed. The directions of realization of the state family policy in the context of realization of gender policy as bases of formation of gender culture of a society are investigated.

The state family policy is aimed at forming in society certain stable ideas about the family and the gender roles of its members, patterns of marital and reproductive behavior, a successful combination of parenthood and employment. Gender analysis of modern family policy allows us to identify the main characteristics that determine its specificity, as well as to assess the effectiveness of measures taken by the state in the field of family support.

The introduction of gender aspects in the formation of Ukrainian legislation is an issue of social justice, the solution of which is necessary to ensure equal and sustainable human development through the use of the most effective and efficient methods of state intervention.

Analyzing the system of state family policy, we note that the formation of state gender policy in Ukraine is built: first, on the basis of international regulations ratified by Ukraine, and secondly, regulated by national regulations on equality between women and men.

Thus, the strategy of gender mainstreaming must be accompanied by a strategy to ensure that the conditions of governance guarantee equal rights and opportunities and equal treatment for both women and men.


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How to Cite
Sitnik , S. (2020). GENDER DIMENSION OF STATE FAMILY POLICY. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 97-102.
State Regulation of Economic and Social Development Processes