Keywords: public administration, socio-economic development, planning, strategic planning, management model, system approach.


The article examines the transformation of planning from directive to strategic and its role in public management of socio-economic development. It is found out that it is the system of strategic planning and public administration based on it that represent the most modern management model, which is the main link, a necessary prerequisite for further modernization of the activities of government bodies and the direction for further optimization of processes. Strategic management in its most comprehensive form implements the same logic of a systematic campaign, which is based on the development of public administration within the framework of modern forms of NPM, “effective management” and “development state”.

It is proved that the development of socio-economic systems in modern conditions requires the use of new management and decision-making technologies that provide a broader consideration of social requirements, the need to solve problems not only in the economy, but also in the social sphere. The mandatory use of the strategic planning system in the activities of socio-economic development management bodies is methodologically justified.

Additional priorities should arise in the contour of strategic management at the regional and municipal levels, which are based on state-level priorities, but also take into account territorial features, their own additional needs and goals. Also, in the context of the economic situation that has developed in recent years, in order to achieve the goals of accelerating socio-economic development, it is necessary to shift the focus to strategic management, the choice of tools, mechanisms and approaches that ensure the achievement of strategic goals and results to improve the level and quality of life of citizens, solving the tasks set not only economic, but also social.

The application of this systematic approach means the adoption of a new form of functioning of the public administration system, the implementation of which will require overcoming the inertia of thinking, changing the functionality of public authorities and their subordination, including in terms of dividing powers by management levels.


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How to Cite
Bubliy , M., & Drobiazko , L. (2020). TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ITS ROLE IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 89-96.
State Regulation of Economic and Social Development Processes