• Олена Михайловська PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Public and Corporate Management Department, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Chernihiv
Keywords: interaction, communications, public management


Current approaches to understanding communication and communication interaction in the science of public management have been examined in the article. The key role in modeling civil society as a sphere of communication is the distinction between communication as a process of information exchange and organizations or individuals as carriers or subjects of exchange of this information. There are several approaches to understanding communication: 1) as a means of communication of any objects of the material or spiritual world; 2) as communication, the transfer of information from person to person or from one social subject to another (social information); 3) as the transfer of information from one system to another using special media. It is emphasized that most often communication is reduced to the direct impact of the communicator’s messages on the recipient (and its role is reduced only as an object that responds to information). It is stressed that all definitions do not exclude each other, but complement and highlight new aspects of this phenomenon. The understanding of the concept of “communication” in public management has been defined. The role of public relations in the system of public administration has been considered. It was found that communicative activity in the system of public management largely corresponds to the concept of “public relations” but goes beyond it. The existing approaches to modeling the interaction system have been investigated. It is emphasized that the purpose of public relations in the public sector is to form an effective system of communication between the authorities and the public. It is noted that there are a large number of models of communication between the authorities and the public. It is emphasized that constructive communication interaction in the system of public administration, provided it is coordinated, will allow mobilizing social resources for the formation, accumulation and realization of its potential.


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How to Cite
Михайловська, О. (2020). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATION INTERACTION IN THE SCIENCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 32-37.
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