Keywords: state regulation, socio-economic systems, socio-economic development, regulating functions of the state, methods of state regulation.


The article examines the genesis of scientific ideas about the role of the state in managing socio-economic development.

Thus, research aimed at developing a modern methodology of Public Administration from the point of view of improving approaches to managing economic development, regulating its stages, choosing methodological and instrumental support is an urgent and priority scientific direction, an urgent task, the solution of which will contribute to the growth of the national and regional economy, its competitiveness, and ensure the improvement of the quality of life of citizens.



One of the key issues of Public Administration should be considered the choice of the object of influence – the choice of which territory the socio-economic system is most sensitive to managerial influences – on the territory of one or more municipalities, or development programs should be considered in the interaction of several regions. It is also necessary to find answers to the questions of what is meant by development, how development differs from change, and how to choose the most optimal approaches and tools to ensure socio-economic development.

Almost all researchers note that the study of territorial problems and practical situations is an extremely complex subject of science. At the same time, the territorial part of Public Administration is recognized as the most poorly developed and requires constant improvement. A well-developed methodology for applying development approaches and tools is needed, which ensures not only and not so much the achievement of individual goals and results, but also allows the territory to enter the trajectory of sustainable development. The implementation of such an approach cannot but be a multi-factor activity that takes into account both economic, social, educational, and personnel aspects.


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How to Cite
Stativka , N., & Bubliy , M. (2020). GENESIS OF SCIENTIFIC IDEAS ABOUT THE ROLE OF THE STATE IN MANAGING SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 16-23.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine