• A.  Мerzlyak  Doctor in Public Administration, Professor, Direktor of Management Institute of Classic Private University, Zaporizhzhia
  • V.  Boklag  Doctor in Public Administration, Assistant Professor, Professor of Public Administration and Land Management Department, Classic Private University, Zaporizhzhia
Keywords: public administration, state administration, land resources management, land use, rational use of land resources, land relations, executive authorities.


The article substantiates that in the land management system it is appropriate to consider the concept of “public administration”, which in contrast to “state administration” involves targeted cooperation of state executive bodies and local governments, as well as public (non-governmental) organizations and structures to ensure implementation of legislative acts on rational use and protection of lands, planning of territories. We noted that the activity of executive bodies in the system of land resources management, which today is the State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, fully means the definition of “public administration”, which is considered by the following scientists in their scientific works as V. Averianov, O. Amosov, N. Havkalova, V. Kolpakov, V. Malinovskyi and others.

The author’s definition of “public administration” in the concept of public administration in the land management system was based on the generalization of scientific views on the category as a legally regulated activity of the entire system of executive bodies and local governments, as well as officials within their competences. This definition is justified by its publicity, as it is committed in the public interest and is aimed at implementing an effective public policy in the sphere of land relations.

It is determined that public administration in the land management system is related to the executive branch and is considered as a professional activity of civil servants aimed at implementing state policy in the sphere of topographic and geodetic and cartographic activities, land relations, land management, in the field of State Land Cadastre, state supervision (control) in the agro-industrial complex in terms of compliance with land legislation, use and protection of land of all categories and forms of ownership, soil fertility. In the process of decentralization, which has been going on for more than 5 years, a new subject of land resources management appears, that is local self-government bodies, which powers in the sphere of land relations are defined by Art. 6-12 in Land Code of Ukraine. Among such authorities, the main one is the disposal of the lands of the territorial community and the planning of their long-term use for the sustainable development of the community.


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How to Cite
Мerzlyak A., & Boklag , V. (2020). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN LAND MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 8-15.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine