Stress Resistance of Personnel in the System of Domestic Public Management: Factors and Features

Keywords: stress resistance, public management, motivation, personnel policy, system of public management


Public administration is a special type of management activity characterized by a high level of social responsibility, publicity and, as a rule, insufficient motivation. That is why the issue of regulation of stress situations in public institutions is extremely topical and should be solved at the state level, starting with the correspondence of the post of the public administration manager to the possibilities of constant development and improvement.

Stress as a category of management today is rather popular concept. Scientific literature has a large number of studies that are related to the diagnosis of stress, methods for increasing the level of stress resistance of personnel, measures for implementing the system of stress management at the enterprises. However, these effective techniques are often costly and require special knowledge and skills of personnel department.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing concepts of regulation of stress situations in organizations in the context of public management, which have number of peculiarities, in particular in the post-Soviet space, comparing them with the system of classical management.

Presenting main material. The peculiarity of public management in the post-Soviet space, which is in the state of reform are the weakness of organizational culture and increasing attention from the media and society, which is the consequence of the long-established negative attitude and corruptions of the industry. Taking into consideration that the main factors of the stress of a public organization employee should be distinguished in organizational culture, coping and emotions and motivation.

Analyzing the impact of organizational culture on the stress resistance of staff in the context of public administration, should speak about a culture not of a separate organization, but of the entire management elite, which should not act as a “panoptic”, but to be an axiom for society. Adoption of this culture for managers of public administration, supererogatory imitation of its values ​​should positively influence on the stress resistance of the personnel.

The manager of public administration must have a high level of emotional mentality, which with combined professional qualities and motivation will allow to efficiently organize the work of personnel in a stressful environment, using constructive coping strategies.

Another feature of public organizations in Ukraine is the personnel of different age groups, which, on the one hand, is caused by increasing of retirement age, and on the other - the personnel policy of such institutions makes it possible for personnel to work until they will reach this age. These factors quite often cause conflicts and stress situations, as representatives of different generations have their own value system, which was formed under the influence of many vital factors, feelings and experiences. It is possible to solve this problem by forming a system of communication that not only minimizes destruction in work and relations, but also increases the general productivity of labor.

Conclusions and perspectives of further research. By projecting the analyzed factors of staff stress resistance on the system of public administration in Ukraine, it can be concluded that there is a lack of strong organizational culture, an imperfect system of personnel motivation,  large discrepancy in the motivation of senior management and employees at the lowest level of management. In addition, public organizations are characterized by different age staff, which requires  special approach to each age group, in order to provide the necessary level of stress resistance. All this requires special skills in managers of public administration, among which an important role is assigned to emotional mentality.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Dorosh, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Lviv

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Foreign Economic and Customs Activities  Department, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Lviv

Oleh Dorosh, National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Lviv

Senior Lecturer of Administrative and Financial Management Department,

National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Lviv


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How to Cite
Dorosh, I., & Dorosh, O. (2019). Stress Resistance of Personnel in the System of Domestic Public Management: Factors and Features. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(64), 187-194.
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