InstitutIonal Principles of State Regulation of Investment Processes in Agriculture

Keywords: investments, state regulation, investment activity, nancing


The peculiarities of formation of state regulation of investment processes in agriculture are determined.

The mechanism of state regulation of investments should be based on the general principles of the system of public administration system taking into account the specifics of the economic stratification of the country.

The objective economic and geo-political factors affecting the attractiveness of the rural economy and the investment attractiveness for domestic and foreign investors.

Creating a positive investment climate and attracting domestic and foreign investment involves the formation of organizational, legislative and analytical support for the mechanism of state regulation of investment processes.

The main objective of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the formation of institutional principles of state regulation of investment processes in agriculture.

The President of Ukraine has significant powers over state regulation of investment activity. The President has the right to create advisory bodies on investment issues. The problematic specificity of domestic legislation is the instability of the system of state advisory bodies, their periodic liquidation and reorganization by each of the next political elite.

Methods of regulation of investment processes are divided into three large groups: legal, administrative and economic. Administrative methods imply a direct impact on the participants in the investment process. Economic methods of state regulation of investment processes involve the use of financial levers of influence on the activities of state authorities that regulate the investment climate in the agricultural sector.

The structure of state regulation of investment processes in agriculture is presented, the main indicators of the state policy of investment development in agriculture of Ukraine are considered. A structural scheme of the mechanism of state regulation of investments in agriculture in Ukraine has been formed. The dynamics of growth rates of expenditures on state regulation of investments in agriculture and GDP for 2014-2017 are analyzed.


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Author Biography

Yuriy Dziurakh, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv

Assistant lecture of Administrative and Financial Management Department,

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv


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How to Cite
Dziurakh, Y. (2019). InstitutIonal Principles of State Regulation of Investment Processes in Agriculture . Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(64), 149-157.
State Regulation of Economic and Social Development Processes