State Management of Investment Resources of Regional Sea Port Complexes

Keywords: seaport, public administration, investment resources, investment potential, regional seaport complex


The article summarizes the theoretical foundations of state management of investment resources of regional sea port complexes, and determines the algorithm of this process. The structure of the mechanism of state management of investment resources of regional seaports complexes is proposed, which includes four main elements: state-legal regulation; market regulation mechanism; internal mechanism and management system. The goal, main principles, functions and methods of public investment management of the regional seaport complex are also defined.

Effective management of the formation and use of their investment resources plays an important role in the state management of the competitiveness of regional sea port complexes.

The successful implementation of the state investment policy in the field of port services, aimed at eliminating disproportions and strengthening the regional component, is directly dependent on financial support, expansion of the circle of participants in the investment process. It becomes clear that ensuring competitiveness in the face of general economic growth is possible only with the build-up and effective use of the investment potential of regional seaports. In connection with this, one of the important problems is the study of public administration of investment resources of the objects under consideration.

The structure of the mechanism of management of investment resources of the regional seaport complex includes four main elements: state-legal regulation; market regulation mechanism; internal mechanism of management of investment resources; system of methods of public management of investment resources of the regional seaport complex.

Efficient management of investment resources contributes to the investment activity of the port infrastructure, which will ensure the modernization and upgrading of production capacities of regional seaports through optimal formation, allocation and use of investment resources, and will allow to create on this basis the strategic preconditions for ensuring their competitiveness as the main economic entities of the port infrastructure, transport complex of regions and the economy of the state as a whole.

Thus, creating a favorable investment environment, increasing the investment attractiveness of the port infrastructure will attract additional investment and, consequently, reduce the financial burden on local and state budgets, will accelerate market and structural transformation in the regions.


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Author Biography

Maksym Bubliy , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Economic Policy and Management Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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How to Cite
Bubliy , M. (2019). State Management of Investment Resources of Regional Sea Port Complexes . Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(64), 102-109.
State Regulation of Economic and Social Development Processes