Blockchain Technology as a Factor of the New Information Culture of Public Administration

Keywords: blockchain, public administration, e-government, information culture, modernisation


The introduction and development of blockchain technology in the public sector urges us to turn our attention not only to the technological, security, economic, legal, political aspects of its
implementation in public administration. The development of this technology can also inuence the change in the information culture of public administration. The authors understand information
culture as a set of principles and mechanisms, established in a certain social community, for the development, preservation, transmission and use of information. From these positions, the
introduction of the blockchain technology is considered as one of the factors of the new information culture of public administration, which is being shaped now in the conditions of dynamic information and technological progress. The purpose of the article is to provide ground for the point of viewing the blockchain technology as a factor in the formation of a new information culture in the system of public administration. The implementation of the blockchain technology is presented as multifaceted infrastructure modernisation, which also updates the issues of changes in the approaches to principles and practices of information relations in the public sector. The analysed directions of potential changes allowed to separate a number of features of the new information culture of public administration, which can be formed as a result of a wide introduction of blockchain technology in the public sector. 


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Author Biographies

Valeriy Dreshpak, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro

Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Professor of Public and Customs Administration Department, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro

Oleksandr Tytarenko , DRIPA NAPA, Dnipro

Senior Lecturer of Information Technologies and Informative Systems Department, DRIPA NAPA, Dnipro


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How to Cite
Dreshpak, V., & Tytarenko , O. (2019). Blockchain Technology as a Factor of the New Information Culture of Public Administration. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 1(64), 8-16.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine