Optimization Areas of the State Policy Promoting the Development of Civic Organizations in Ukraine

Keywords: state policy, optimization, civil society, civic organizations


The current state of the state policy promoting the development of civil society in Ukraine with the emphasis on civil society organizations has been analyzed.  An attempt has been made to specify the conditions under which the role of public organizations in public-state relations within the context of the implemented decentralized governance reform increases.  The awareness of the citizens of Ukraine concerning the essence of public administration, envisaging active democratization and openness of all participants in the management process, including the involvement of public sector in the discussion and adoption of socially significant decisions has been emphasized.

The author's guidelines for optimizing the state policy, promoting the development of civic organizations in Ukraine, their legislative improvement, etc. have been suggested. The search of directions of optimization of the state policy, promoting the development of civic organizations in Ukraine has been shown. This is preconditioned by the dynamics of democratic processes in the state and the actual requests of civil society, the development of which is an integral part of effective and conscious interaction between state and public institutions. Despite legislative attention and civic initiative concerning the issues of the evolution of civil society, its progress has a number of obstacles, first of all, because of the distrust of state authorities, local self-government bodies towards civil society institutions and, in particular, to civic organizations, their leaders and activists, which greatly impedes the process of national unity and civil consolidation in Ukraine.

In author’s opinion, to prevent further alienation of key figures in the public-state area, it is necessary to specify the guidelines for their cooperation, to define more clearly the main directions of optimization of the balanced state policy, promoting the development of civic organizations in various spheres and landmarks.

The author makes attempts to determine the main directions of optimization of the state policy, promoting the development of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine through the prism of modern socio-political circumstances. It is important to use the positive experience of supporting civil society institutions in democratic states and to use best practices in the implementation of state policy in the context of the ongoing decentralization reform.


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Author Biography

Marian Tokar , LRIPA NAPA, Lviv

PhD in History, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of Public Administration Department, LRIPA NAPA, Lviv



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How to Cite
Tokar , M. (2019). Optimization Areas of the State Policy Promoting the Development of Civic Organizations in Ukraine. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 2(65), 54-61. https://doi.org/10.34213/tp.19.02.07
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine