Conditional cash transfers in the context of human development policy

  • Mariia Ushakova KRI NAPA, Kharkiv
Keywords: conditional cash transfers, social policy, targeted assistance, public policy, human development.


Public administration should take into account the fact that market development of the economy can be predicted by the negative effects of long-term poverty. Undoubtedly, the analysis of modern tools for providing economic support to the population highlights the need to increase social responsibility for such categories of citizens.

The article is deal with the analysis of conditional cash transfers, which are inherently comprehensive social policy programs. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to highlight these transfers in the context of human development policy. The review of the mandatory structural elements aimed at minimizing the negative effects that arise as a result of structural poverty, both in the short-term (by redistributing incomes in favor of poor households) and in the long-term (by creating incentives for the development of human capital for poor children). International experience of substantiation of the introduction of conditional cash transfers in terms of analyzing the experience of operation of this tool has been analyzed. The problem of low efficiency of social policy in has been highlighted. The article provides an overview of risks affecting the effectiveness of conditional cash transfers, as well as measures that create additional incentives for the development of human potential in the context of state support.

The implementation of the conditional cash transfer programs has had a significant positive effect on poverty and inequality in developing countries. The main objectives of the program include reducing poverty, improving food security, breaking the cycle of poverty between generations through the accumulation of human capital and expanding access to public services, in particular health, education and social assistance. Therefore, the prospect for further research is the effectiveness and optimization of budget programs.


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Author Biography

Mariia Ushakova , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Postgraduate Student of Personnel Management and Labour Economic Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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How to Cite
Ushakova , M. (2019). Conditional cash transfers in the context of human development policy. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 3(66), 141-148.
State Regulation of Economic and Social Development Processes