Public communication policy and communication policy of public authorities: relationship of concepts

Keywords: public policy, public authorities, communication policy, public communications, strategic communications.


The article provides a general approach to the communication policy definition. Analysis of modern scientific discourse about the communication policy definition was carried out. The concepts of public communication policy and communication policy of public authorities were considered. The essence and content of these concepts were defined and their relationship in the field of communications in public management were investigated. To determine the relationship between the concepts of public communication policy and communication policy of public authorities, the following five comparison criteria were applied: content, purpose, subjectivity, tools, and a scale of policy influence. Analysis of these definitions made it possible to identify common and specific features of the two communication policies. It has been found that the concepts under study, public communication policy and communication policy of public authorities, do not fully coincide in their purpose, subjectivity and scale of influence but relate to each other in terms of content and implementation tools. Therefore, the public communication policy and the communication policy of public authorities cannot be built using the same model as they have different levels of problem solving in the communication sphere. Accordingly, the public communication policy is mainly oriented towards manageability of strategic challenges and has a wider circle of subjects while the communication policy of a public authority is focused on the fulfillment of tactical objectives with the involvement of a narrower circle of developers and subjects. At the same time, the communication policy of public authorities must be adjusted to the strategic objectives of the public communication policy and, in solving local problems, ensure the integrity of the communication policy of the State as a whole. It has been found that the current Ukrainian legislation does not have a regulatory legal act for the regulation of public communications that would provide definitions of public communication policy and communication policy of public authorities. Study of possibilities for implementing the public communication policy under reform of municipal and government-owned print media in Ukraine is a promising area of research.


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Author Biography

Yevhen Pavlenko , University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro

Postgraduate Student of Public Management and Customs Administration Department, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro


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How to Cite
Pavlenko , Y. (2019). Public communication policy and communication policy of public authorities: relationship of concepts. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 3(66), 86-94.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine