Peculiarities of subjectivity of public organization in public-management relations of service-oriented state and society

Keywords: the subject of public organization, service-oriented policy, civil society, public-management relations.


The peculiarities of the subjectivity of the NGO in the conditions of the service-oriented state are analyzed. An attempt has been made to unify the judgments of scholars and to offer their own understanding of the phenomenon of the subjectivity of public organization. Emphasis is placed on the components of NGO activity in the context of public-management relations. The author's components of her subjectivity, the characteristic conditions of functioning of the civil society institution in cooperation with the state, etc., are offered. The categorical problem of "subjectivity" is at the epicenter of attention for certain research tasks in many scientific fields and in many ways is substantively similar (for example, philosophy, psychology, political science, sociology, pedagogy, etc.). We emphasize on it from the point of view of the active manifestation of personal-collective, psychological-group constituents, since the category of "public" focuses the spectrum of the study of all phenomena and processes around the human, social, and social. Therefore, we can design the category also for groups of people, citizens, which, in our case, in particular, are united in social institutions – public organizations. A public organization is not only an object of public-state life, which is influenced by internal and external factors, but also a subject, since its activity affects other objects, subjects, phenomena and processes. In doing so, it, by exercising self-regulation, influences both its activity (autonomously) and the actions of other entities (in cooperation), in particular and through the mentioned components of activity.

Concluding to the problem under study, let us emphasize on our understanding of the entity's definition of subjectivity. We regard it as a conscious, purposeful and responsible social-role activity, which is manifested in the readiness of the institution to perform service-oriented socially useful activities. Subjectivity initiates synergies in the system of public-management relations and gives new target quality to the processes that are carried out.


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Author Biography

Marian Tokar , LRIDU NAPA, Lviv

PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of Public Administration Department, LRIDU NAPA, Lviv


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How to Cite
Tokar , M. (2019). Peculiarities of subjectivity of public organization in public-management relations of service-oriented state and society . Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 3(66), 69-77.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine