Mechanisms of Public Administration of Special Performance of Judgments Concerning Business Entities: Analysis of Conducted Research and Outlining Research Perspectives

Keywords: Keywords: state administration, judgments, special performance, business entities, dissertation research, perspective areas.


Target setting. The majority of business entities try to maximize their benefits, which is often can’t be possible in terms of standing laws. At the same time such entities diligently secret such offenses, and in case of exposure and adjudication of the court, they make hard efforts to avoid just punishment. Under such circumstances the significance of efficient public administration of special performance of judgments concerning business entities based on the assets of national science is growing. All the above mentioned, after all, determines the relevance of the given research.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Special performance perspectives became the cornerstone of theses on public administration, law etc. Certain lack of comprehensive researches on public administration of special performance of judgments concerning business entities is offset by publications of domestic scientists in dedicated journals.

Research objective. The goal of the article is the development of guidelines on the improvement of public administration of special performance of judgments. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to analyze the content of extended abstracts of dissertations and professional publications, devoted to public administration of special performance of judgments; 2) to single out advanced research directions of theses on the given problematics.

Statement of basic materials. In view of theoretical insights and practical recommendations of domestic scientists, it is necessary to underline the need to continue research taking into consideration existing filling of elements of public administration in theses and publications (above all in dedicated journals) on the given problematics, such as forms of influence of the state; mechanisms of public administration (general, specific); subjects that enforce court decisions; a way of executing court decisions.

Conclusions. Theses vary by 1) their status (PhD or doctoral), scientific dertion (public administration, law), research subject, approaches to solving a specific problem etc; 2) direct, tangible and indirect approach to the problem public administration of special performance of judgments. The majority of defended theses are devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the activity of state and private executors, functioning of the system of enforcement of court decisions, and specific character of public administration in this field as well. At the same time there are only fragmentary mentions about mechanisms of public administration of special performance of judgments, especially concerning business entities. The continuation of scientific studies on these problematics will promote further improvement of discipline among business entities at enforcement of court decisions, including the improvement of public administration in this field.


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Author Biographies

Larysa Velychko, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Head of Law and European Integration Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Artur Tovmasian, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Postgraduate Student of Law and European Integration Department,

KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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Pro organy ta osib, yakі zdiysnyuyut prymusove vykonannya sudovykh rishen ta rishen inshykh organiv vlady: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 02 cher. 2016 r. No. 1403-VIII. URL:

How to Cite
Velychko, L., & Tovmasian, A. (2019). Mechanisms of Public Administration of Special Performance of Judgments Concerning Business Entities: Analysis of Conducted Research and Outlining Research Perspectives. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 3(66), 8-15.
The Development of Public Administration System in Ukraine