• G. М. Goryachkovska Харьківський національний університет радіоелектроніки,
Keywords: being, freedom, self-realization, memory-being, memory-possession, resentment.


Today, the ethics of freedom and self-realization of the individual looks somewhat illusory. The individual, having a natural right to freedom and self-determination, does not have the right to implement it. Social institutions that declare, support and protect the idea of individual freedom are the main inhibitory factor on the way to realizing thisidea. The full implementation of almost anysocial role in a civilized society requires instrumental thinking. Investigating this situation, we observea gradual drift from the humanistic values of self-realization to the transhumanist idea ofanthropotechnological change in human. The state of internal and external conflict clearly illustratesthe modern redistribution of memory practices - the fundamental component of human consciousness,
which throughout life determines the value orientations of the individual. It is the problem of the
domination of memory-possession and the extinction of the culture of memory-being that this article is
devoted to.


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Author Biography

G. М. Goryachkovska, Харьківський національний університет радіоелектроніки,

к. філос.н., доцент кафедри філософії


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How to Cite
GoryachkovskaG. М. (2017). MEMORY-BEING IN THE ETHICS OF FREEDOM AND SELF-REALIZATION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (57), 58-104.