Study the social and ethical problems of modern science

  • В. П. Культенко НУБіП України (Київ)
  • В. А. Богославець НУБіП України (Київ)
  • А. М. Рябченко НУБіП України (Київ)
Keywords: nanotechnology, bioethics, responsible scientist, global impact and social consequences.


In particular, the spread of nanotechnology in the world, the growth possibilities of their application in various spheres of human life and existence of the world as a whole actualizes the responsibility of the scientist for the consequences of their actions. The point is that the use of nanotechnology gives people opportunities worlds of creation. Recent scientific advances have opened opportunities for a person to create surrogate world. It's got the ability to eliminate harmful effects of anthropogenic activities to fight diseases that are traditionally considered incurable and solve other problems of human ecology. At the same time the use of nanotechnology could be embodied in the creation of super weapons, super means of surveillance, control and restriction of human freedom. Such aspects of social and ethical significance of nanotechnology is interpreted by the authors.


Author Biography

В. П. Культенко, НУБіП України (Київ)
канд, філос. наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Культенко, В. П., Богославець, В. А., & Рябченко, А. М. (2017). Study the social and ethical problems of modern science. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (56), 22-26.