Rational, cultural and traditional approaches to solving problems of social understanding

  • В. П. Культенко НУБіП України (Київ)
Keywords: Rationality, practical reason, consensus, moral ethos, justice, multiculturalism, dialogue, argument


In this article the author investigate two approaches to solving problems of social understanding in the multicultural societies. The first way is rational, cognitive. It appealing to search and eliminate this way the legal foundations of social control, forming ideas of justice, moral ethos and more. An alternative to the previous one - way understanding, focused on cultural tradition. This path appeals to the practical reason of man. Problems with understanding social search this path associated with the aggravation of inter-cultural conflicts in the world, violent confrontation of cultures. Research of answer on this question there analysis of the philosophical legacy of modern Western philosophy, especially Jurgen Habermas, H.Hart, D.Rolz, N.Kradin. Philosophers need for coordination interpreted rationally with irrational forms that spontaneously evolved historically for a long time and embodied in cultural traditions. Understanding this issue would be based on the ability of each of the transcendental position to assess the situation. The peculiarity of the modern world is that practical reason is seen through inter-subjective connotations. It is used to output communitarians idea of justice-dialogically, discursive way through the search for consensus. We would point out that modern society - mostly non-religious, because it destroyed the moral foundations that have traditionally formed the social ethos. So it comes to search the grounds of morality, universal for modern people have lost faith, but still aspire to building a moral society. J.Habermas stresses the need for coordination of search and practically oriented, inter- recognized concept of justice, which is formed through the recognition and inclusion of the other in their life-world. 


Author Biography

В. П. Культенко, НУБіП України (Київ)

канд. филос. наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Культенко, В. П. (2016). Rational, cultural and traditional approaches to solving problems of social understanding. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 21-26. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/thcphs/article/view/5770

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