Modern problems of philosophy of education in the context of tradition and innovation

  • І. М. Савицька НУБіП України (Київ)
Keywords: philosophy of education, tradition, innovations, globalization, modernization.


It presents the differentiation between philosophy of education and signs of educational philosophy’s, indicates its disorienting role in education. Іnnovative renewal of philosophy and content of education was reviewed as a process of introduction of new ideas and means of education that is being determined by the challenges of the modern epoch, particularly by the process of globalization and information revolution.Analyzes the radical changes in the education system that occur in response to the challenges of global and local factors of the modern era and encompassed the concepts of «modernization» and «innovation». Connection and mutual conditionality between global problems of modern times and the crisis of education is analyzed. It is proved that successful overcoming of crisis is possible only on the basis of its philosophical comprehension and new educational paradigm. It is noted, that the main content of the new philosophy of education is the ability to create, to realize itself in a historical space and time and realize all the aspirations of the practice, that in relation to ontological philosophy of education is a philosophy the person and same time her mode of being in the universe of culture in the context of the of modernization of education in Ukraine.



Author Biography

І. М. Савицька, НУБіП України (Київ)
канд. філос. наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Савицька, І. М. (1). Modern problems of philosophy of education in the context of tradition and innovation. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 125-129. Retrieved from