Myth and reality in the narrative practices of the Ukrainian emigration

  • Т. В. Цимбал Национальный университет (Кривой Рог)
Keywords: emigration, narrative, mifologization of biography, self-justification, individual myth, being rootedness.


In this article the experience of research the problem of mythologization of immigrants biography, is considered mostly – the reasons why modern Ukrainian emigrants prefer staying outside the motherland. It is emphasized that immigration advocates for modern young women is the way of gipersotsialization and giperemansipation, and for the Ukrainian women – It is also a way to avoid having to deal with complex socioeconomically at problems, a way to approach more acceptable European norms and to improve arrange a personal life. During the study the author uses the narrative threads, popular today, both as a method and as a subject of studying, which is treated by philosophy as a postmodern language act, verbal presentation, fixing processuality of life story. In this case, the narrative captures the self-realization and self-justification processuality women who for various reasons chose to emigrate as a vital strategy. As a way of mythologization of emigrational motives narrative is devoiced of ontological basis and serves as a subjective act, thereby creating a pseudoreality. Born in the myth of the narrative is a kind of internal exile individual myths. Such myths help immigrants feel the state of existential rootedness. However it is only an illusion of rootedness, as it is impossible to achieve the fullness of entity in the act of speech. Narrative analysis in this case can be used as a communication tool, which will provide research different points of view on the complex social and cultural issues, subject to the mutual participation of subjects. At the same time demythologization motives of emigration can be a factor in reducing the migratory activity of women. In general, suspending of the feminization of Ukrainian emigration is possible, using a range of consistent, coordinated measures. For this, woman should get rid of social and cultural marginalization, which is imposed on her by patriarchy and decades of totalitarianism. The main role in this process belongs to the system of education, social and cultural policy in general. The action state should be aimed at the rootedness of Ukrainians on domestic soil, and the media can purposefully reflect the true motives and consequences of women's migration.


Author Biography

Т. В. Цимбал, Национальный университет (Кривой Рог)
д-р филос. наук, доцент


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How to Cite
Цимбал, Т. В. (2016). Myth and reality in the narrative practices of the Ukrainian emigration. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", 15-21. Retrieved from