• Nataliia Skubina PhD Student of the Department of Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science V. N. Karazin Kharkiv NationalUniversity
Keywords: media philosophy, visual media, media anthropology, «liquid modernity», identity


The article delves into the cultural-philosophical exploration of new visual media through Zygmunt Bauman's concept of «liquid modernity» (1925–2017), with a specific focus on the role of these media in shaping identity. The appeal of media is attributed to their pervasive presence in modern life, where smartphones are seen as extensions of the human body, and news feeds deliver a rapid, uncontrolled stream of photos and videos. Examining new media within the framework of liquid modernity can potentially reveal a significant correlation between these phenomena, complementing Bauman's concept of life strategies in this era.

The article outlines Bauman's key strategies in influencing contemporary identity, detailing the archetypes of the «pilgrim», the «vagabond», the «tourist», and the «player». It also explores the fundamental differences in theory between modernity and postmodernity, highlighting the criticisms Bauman has of liquid modernity, such as family crises, political impotence, chaos, inconsistency, rampant consumerism, and virtuality. Bauman's perspective on media appears predominantly pessimistic, viewing the virtual space primarily as an escape from reality.

Comparing the role of media in the concept of liquid modernity with seminal works in media theory (particularly the ideas of Marshall McLuhan and Friedrich Kittler) underscores the need to integrate media studies into Bauman's philosophy for a more profound understanding of identity construction principles in modernity. Analyzing McLuhan's approach to defining and analyzing media reveals that comprehending the societal and cultural changes brought about by emerging new media, which themselves convey messages, is crucial for understanding identity construction methods. McLuhan posits that the dominant culture type is shaped by the primary media of the era, suggesting that while printing led to a shift from audio-tactile to visual culture, the 20th century saw a resurgence of audio-tactile culture with the rise of new media.

To further explore media's role as a tool for manipulating reality, as emphasized by Bauman, we can turn to Susan Sontag's work. In her essay collection «Regarding the Pain of Others», Sontag analyzes the portrayal of violence in the media.


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How to Cite
Skubina, N. (2023). VISUAL MEDIA INTHE CONTEXT OF ZYGMUNT BAUMAN’S THEORY OF «LIQUID MODERNITY». The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (67), 48-53.