Existential dimension of contemporary ukrainian cultural studies

review of recent works by M. V. Diachenko

Keywords: existential motives, Roman Stoics, loneliness, suffering, freedom, animal philosophy, meeting with Other


The article is devoted to the review of the philosophical essays of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Kharkov State Academy of Culture Mykola Vasilovich Diachenko, who published recently last two books “Roman Stoics: Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius. Experience of reading” and “Just to live (philosophical essays and outlines)”. The authors of the paper explore the main philosophical themes and ethical discourses of Diachenko’s miniatures. On the basis of the original interpretation of the philosophy of stoicism, his own life experience, autobiographical facts, analysis of a wide philosophical and literary material in his works M. V. Diachenko examines the complex existential problems of contemporary man – loneliness, suffering, anxiety, love, death. Much attention is paid to the relationship of man with nature, the role of animals in human life and in his spiritual development. In the article,  the  authors  emphasize  that  one  of  the  main  issues  that  arises  in  the  works  of V. Diachenko is the question of tolerant and careful attitude of a person to animals and nature. In the context  of  the philosophical and literary tradition  of  the 19th–20th centuries V. Diachenko emphasizes the need for a person to be aware of his responsibility to the living nature. His miniatures are imbued with existential perception of life, reflections on the values of life and the value of life itself, as well as the art to experience tragic events and processes of one's life. In the context of the philosophy of stoicism, the philosophy of the East, European philosophy of the 19–20th centuries, the author teaches the reader an optimistic view of the complex, ageless problems of a modern man – love, moral choice, guilt, loneliness. In the philosophical miniatures of M. V. Diachenko, the philosophy of suffering is closely intertwined with the philosophy of charity and rebirth, and this makes it a new turn in ethical philosophy. The article analyzes the ideas and principles of formation of man’s spiritual existence, which according to M. V. Diachenko, contribute to understanding how to live for a person who constantly overcomes life crises. The paper demonstrates that the ideas of M. V. Diachenko occupy a prominent place in the Kharkov university philosophy and correspond to the moods of the modern readers. The authors emphasize that Diachenko’ essays propose the new directions in the Ukrainian philosophy of the recent years.


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Author Biographies

V. A. Sukovata, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

doctor of philosophy, professor, theory of culture and philosophy of science department 

K. G. Fisun, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD, senior lecturer, theory of culture and philosophy of science department


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How to Cite
Sukovata, V. A., & Fisun, K. G. (2019). Existential dimension of contemporary ukrainian cultural studies: review of recent works by M. V. Diachenko. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (59), 82-95. https://doi.org/10.26565/2306-6687-2019-59-10