The comparison of aesthetics of Aristotle and hedonism of Epicurus

Keywords: Aristotle, Epicurus, pleasant, love, aesthetics, good, beautiful


In this article it would be compared the study of Epicurus with the study if Aristotle, according to the goal to find between them the same and to justify suggested importance of love in the life of a man and any living organism. Aristotle is one of the most outstanding philosopher of all times, and to justify the concept of love it would be right to apply exactly to him. Moreover, we should find the justifying of particularly love, not only of pleasant and unpleasant, how it is in the study of Epicurus. The point is, that we consider pleasant and unpleasant too, but only as a step in genesis of feelings. In psychological dictionaries it is written that emotions ( and pleasant and unpleasant are first of all the emotions) are inherent for lower kinds of creatures, while feelings are inherent only for human. Actually we are not completely agree that feelings are inherent only for a human, we think that animals also can feel deep feelings, but with what we are totally agree is with the logical outputs, that we can do from the said, namely with emotion is the embryo of the felling,  that is lower link or step on the stairs of sensuality of liven organism, while feeling – is higher. So Epicurus was occupied with studying of only pleasant and unpleasant, that is the parafia of emotions, while we also study love as one of the basic and main feelings and not only pleasant. Fortunately in the aesthetics of Aristotle there are very many places about spiritually pleasant and love, than in hedonism of Epicurus.


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Author Biography

М. G. Fidrovska, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute"

post-graduate student of philosophy department


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How to Cite
FidrovskaМ. G. (2019). The comparison of aesthetics of Aristotle and hedonism of Epicurus. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (59), 74-80.