The Transformation of culture in the context of democratization

  • J. І. Pototska S. Kuznets Kharkiv National Economical University
Keywords: democratization of culture, elite culture, mass culture, postmodernism


The article deals with the essence of the process of democratization in the cultural sphere. The author points out that the modern strategy of democratization of Western culture is aimed at overcoming the enlightenment elitist approach, which leads to the imposing of the high culture canons to the general public.

In this connection, the article focuses on how, in the context of democratization, the relationship between elite culture and mass culture is transformed and lost its opposition character. It is emphasized that in postmodern culture, the elite component can exist only within the mass context.


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Author Biography

J. І. Pototska, S. Kuznets Kharkiv National Economical University

Faculty of Consulting and International Business. PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy and Political Science


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How to Cite
PototskaJ. І. (2018). The Transformation of culture in the context of democratization. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (58), 138-143.