Transformations of subjectivity: change of thinking

  • V. V. Lysenkova Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
Keywords: anthropologism, subjectivity, thinking, culture, philosophization


In the article, the author raises the problem of the transformations of subjectivity and change of thinking in the society. The attempts to define the sources of the strategies of this transformations.

The text addresses question evolution of subjectivity and at the same time of replacement of principles of thinking, this process bringes to new paradigmal turnings of the development civilization. The destruction of old canons forms a man with new thinking.

Studies of these processes can help to find practical solutions for humanistic problems in the culture.


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Author Biography

V. V. Lysenkova, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science


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How to Cite
Lysenkova, V. V. (2018). Transformations of subjectivity: change of thinking. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (58), 69-73.