The Development of Science: Post-non-classical, Post-normal Science or Mode 2?

Keywords: post-non-classical science, post-normal science, Mode 2, development of science


Rapid development of information technologies and transportation, spread of communication services and mass education have led to changes in knowledge production, to science in general and its status in society. New period in the development of science has been named by researches in different ways:post-non-classical science, post-normal science and Mode 2. It is necessary to clarify, why different terminology is used, what features every concept has and whether one term can replace the others.


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Author Biography

O. V. Dobrovolska, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control. Associate Professor of Philosophy Department, PhD


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How to Cite
Dobrovolska, O. V. (2018). The Development of Science: Post-non-classical, Post-normal Science or Mode 2?. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (58), 39-43.