Metaphilosophy on the purpose of philosophy

Keywords: metafilosophy, philosophy, education


The article is addressed to the problem of the predestination of philosophy and the actualization of its potential. Metaphilosophy – reflection on the historical experience of philosophy – defines it as a desire for knowledge about the world as a whole. Philosophy is on the verge of a scientific and religious approach to understanding the universe; it seeks a link between all its manifestations. Philosophy for centuries introduced man to the culture of self-determination and the practice of rationality. The educational process as a cultural phenomenon has arisen, exists and has a perspective due to philosophy. At the same time, philosophy continues to be perceived as non-objective thinking, and this affects the status of philosophical disciplines. The situation makes us again and again clarify the fundamental role of philosophy ...


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Author Biography

G. M. Goryachkovska, Kharkiv Nаtional University of Radio Electronics

Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control. Associate Professor of Philosophy Department, PhD


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How to Cite
Goryachkovska, G. M. (2018). Metaphilosophy on the purpose of philosophy. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Theory of Culture and Philosophy of Science", (58), 29-33.