Ключові слова:
Буркина Фасо, энергетика, ресурсы, источники энергии, электростанция, нефтеперегонный завод.
Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме создания топливно-энергетического комплекса в Буркина Фасо, беднейшем государстве Западной Африки. Изучена экономическая и социальная ситуация в стране, определены основные причины, обуславливающие отсутствие экономического развития. Исследованы особенности обеспечения промышленности и населения энергоресурсами. Показана ключевая возможность начала развития экономики в стране. Определено место строительства нефтеперегонного завода и электростанции.
1. Burkina Faso: Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding. International Monetary Fund, 2011, 25 c., http://www.imf.org/external/np/loi/2011/bfa/062811.pdf
2. Burkina Faso, country brief. The World Bank, 2012, http://go.worldbank.org/HFJD4UQ0M0
3. Legros G., Havet I., Bruce N., Bonjour S. The energy access situation in developing countries. A review focusing on the least developed countries. United Nations Development Programme, 2009, 142 c. http://legacy.ewb.ca/en/whatwedo/overseas/projects/mfpburkina.html
4. Adeola A. West Africa Energy security report, University of Ibadan, 35 p.
5. Clough L.D. Energy profile of West Africa, 2007, http://www.eoearth.org/article/Energy_profile_of_West_Africa
6. Africa is Endowed with huge energy resources. http://www.desertec-africa.org/index.php? option=com_content&view=category&id=2&layout=blog&Itemid=2
7. The Multifunctional Platform in Burkina Faso. http://legacy.ewb.ca/en/whatwedo/overseas/projects/mfpburkina.html
8. Nguema-Ollo J.B. Electricity Infrastructure Strengthening and Rural Electrification Project. Burkina FasoDate, 2009.
9. Joseph WETHE. Afrique sub-saharienne Systèmes énergétiques. Vulnérabilité – Adaptation – Résilience. HELIO International / Burkina Faso, 2009, 48 p., www.helio-international.org.
10. Stratégie de résolution durable de de la crise de l'Energie electrique dans les etats de l'UEMOA membres, 2010. www.izf.net
11. Hanff E., Dabat M.-H., Blin J. Are biofuels an efficient technology for generating sustainable development in oil-dependent African nations? A macroeconomic assessment of the opportunities and impacts in Burkina Faso. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011, V. 15, N 5, p. 2199–2209.
12. Tatsidjodoung P., Dabat M.-H., Blin J. Insights into biofuel development in Burkina Faso: Potential and strategies for sustainable energy policies. Follow Renewable and Substainable Reviews, 2012, V. 16, N 7, p. 5312-5330.
13. Azoumah Y., Ramde E.W., Tapsoba G. Siting guidelines for concentrating solar power plants in the Sahel: Case study of Burkina Faso. Solar Energy, 2010, V. 84, N 8, p. 1545-1553.
14. Py A., Azoumah Y., Olives R. Concentrated solar power: Current technologies, major innovative issues and appli-cability to West African countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, V. 18, p. 306-315.
2. Burkina Faso, country brief. The World Bank, 2012, http://go.worldbank.org/HFJD4UQ0M0
3. Legros G., Havet I., Bruce N., Bonjour S. The energy access situation in developing countries. A review focusing on the least developed countries. United Nations Development Programme, 2009, 142 c. http://legacy.ewb.ca/en/whatwedo/overseas/projects/mfpburkina.html
4. Adeola A. West Africa Energy security report, University of Ibadan, 35 p.
5. Clough L.D. Energy profile of West Africa, 2007, http://www.eoearth.org/article/Energy_profile_of_West_Africa
6. Africa is Endowed with huge energy resources. http://www.desertec-africa.org/index.php? option=com_content&view=category&id=2&layout=blog&Itemid=2
7. The Multifunctional Platform in Burkina Faso. http://legacy.ewb.ca/en/whatwedo/overseas/projects/mfpburkina.html
8. Nguema-Ollo J.B. Electricity Infrastructure Strengthening and Rural Electrification Project. Burkina FasoDate, 2009.
9. Joseph WETHE. Afrique sub-saharienne Systèmes énergétiques. Vulnérabilité – Adaptation – Résilience. HELIO International / Burkina Faso, 2009, 48 p., www.helio-international.org.
10. Stratégie de résolution durable de de la crise de l'Energie electrique dans les etats de l'UEMOA membres, 2010. www.izf.net
11. Hanff E., Dabat M.-H., Blin J. Are biofuels an efficient technology for generating sustainable development in oil-dependent African nations? A macroeconomic assessment of the opportunities and impacts in Burkina Faso. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011, V. 15, N 5, p. 2199–2209.
12. Tatsidjodoung P., Dabat M.-H., Blin J. Insights into biofuel development in Burkina Faso: Potential and strategies for sustainable energy policies. Follow Renewable and Substainable Reviews, 2012, V. 16, N 7, p. 5312-5330.
13. Azoumah Y., Ramde E.W., Tapsoba G. Siting guidelines for concentrating solar power plants in the Sahel: Case study of Burkina Faso. Solar Energy, 2010, V. 84, N 8, p. 1545-1553.
14. Py A., Azoumah Y., Olives R. Concentrated solar power: Current technologies, major innovative issues and appli-cability to West African countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, V. 18, p. 306-315.
Як цитувати
Капустин, А., Бели, Б., Козловский, Р., Алёшин, А., & Лунёв, Е. (2014). СОЗДАНИЕ ТОПЛИВНО-ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКОЙ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ В БУРКИНА ФАСО. I. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКОЙ СИТУАЦИИ. Часопис соціально-економічної географії, 16(1), 131-136. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-1333-2014-16-20
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