Gender therapy as innovation in consulting of young married couple

  • T. Hovorun ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна
  • O. Kikinezhdi ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна
  • I. Shulha ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна
Keywords: gender psychotherapy, stages of family development, сonfliсtogens, economic resocialization, confrontation


The article deals with the analysis of the social and psychological factors of emergence of gender therapy as a separate direction of psychological care to couple, which enables to depose basic сonfliсtogens at different stages of family life. Experience of different psychotherapeutic schools in terms of its influence on content of gender roles in order to ensure parity of functioning of husband and wife in a family is given.


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Author Biography

I. Shulha, ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна




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How to Cite
Hovorun, T., Kikinezhdi, O., & Shulha, I. (2017). Gender therapy as innovation in consulting of young married couple. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, 1(7), 67-75.