The father image and marriage partner image for girls from single-parent families

  • Любов Миколаївна Філоненко бакалавр психології, Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
  • Надія Миколаївна Терещенко доцент кафедри психологічного консультування і психотерапії Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: father image, girl, partner image, single-parent family, father-daughter relationship


This article explores the features of influence of the father image on the marriage partner image in girls from single-parent families. The study involved 20 unmarried girls from single-parent families and 20 girls from complete families. Differences were found in the perception of marriage and family values among girls of complete and incomplete families. 4 factors were obtained that reflect the nature of the influence of a father's image on the image of a marriage partner: a masculine father, feminine father , androgynous father, dependent / independent father.


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How to Cite
Філоненко, Л. М., & Терещенко, Н. М. (1). The father image and marriage partner image for girls from single-parent families. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, 1(5), 66-73.