Masochism Through The Prism Of Interconnections With Archaic Heritage Of The Humanity

  • Tamara Yatsenko Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkassy, Ukraine
Keywords: archaisms, in-depth psychocorrection, masochism, pralogical thinking


We carried out the study, on which the article is based, in a psychodynamic paradigm in the relationship with the disclosure of the problem of archaic heritage of the humanity, which is manifested in the pralogical properties of thinking. The latter includes duality of the reality of the psyche (in the equivalence of the real and the imaginary), lack of contradictions and conformity subordination to law of involvement, etc. Masochism is a form of expression of subordination to the pralogical perception of reality while ignoring the contradictions between the tendency towards self-punishment and self-preservation instinct. The article proves the presence of Oedypal origin of masochistic initiatives in their illogicalness and subordination to the “other logic” - the logic of self-punishment. In-depth psycho-correction can free a person from illogical trends, aiming at energy self-preservation and actualization of prosocial self-realization processes.



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How to Cite
Yatsenko, T. (2021). Masochism Through The Prism Of Interconnections With Archaic Heritage Of The Humanity. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (15), 6-23.