Complex of Suggestions on Improving the Psychological Correction and Diagnostics of Traumatic Emotional Experience Among Military Servants with Post-Stress Psychological Dysaptation

Keywords: servicemen, PPD, diagnostics, psychocorrection, traumatic emotional experience


Problem statement: Resistance to the impact of psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic work on the personality of servicemen in Ukraine with post-stress psychological maladaptation and experience of participation in combat operations with traumatic background and multiparametric approaches in this area, become significant reasons for more detailed analysis in psychological diagnostics of harmful knowledge among military members. Analysis of the problem There are many inventions in science on the conceptualization of personal traumatic experience at both clinical (PTSD) and prenosological (PPD) levels. The idea of "emotional scheme" proposed by L. Greenberg and R. Elliott is successful for the latter, but the question of psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection for traumatic emotional experience among demobilized combatants in Ukraine with PPD remains open. Object of study to develop a set of suggestions for psychocorrection and diagnostics of traumatic emotional experience among servicemen after demobilization in Ukraine with PPD. Research methods Mathematical and statistical processing: Wilcoxon T-test. Sample description The sample consists of 12 servicemen after demobilization six months or a year later in Ukraine with PPD. They agreed to be tested and participate in psycho-correctional work on the issues of significant traumatic emotional experience. Summary A set of suggestions for psychocorrection and diagnostics of traumatic emotional experience among servicemen in Ukraine with post-stress psychological maladaptation has been developed.



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How to Cite
KharchenkoA. О. (2020). Complex of Suggestions on Improving the Psychological Correction and Diagnostics of Traumatic Emotional Experience Among Military Servants with Post-Stress Psychological Dysaptation. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (13), 62-67.