Keywords: a process in client-centered therapy, types of processes, strategies for following and directing


The article considers the problem of the quality of the course of the psychotherapeutic process. It is shown that there are features of the client's mental organization that determine the effectiveness of therapy. An important parameter in assessing a client's resource is the presence of a qualitative metacognitive functioning in it, which includes: the authenticity and naturalness of the experience, as well as the reflection of the sources of these experiences. It is shown that the reflexive technique described by K. Rogers works exclusively on optimal processes, where there is an easy, natural transition between the different components of the emotional scheme: actual experience, a system of early memories, bodily manifestations, intellectual interpretations and motivation. If there is no such transition, a number of difficult phenomena of the process are observed. It can not be explained that the reflexive technique does not work solely with the client's unwillingness to change or the inadequate preparation of the therapist. It is necessary to supplement the strategy of "following" the client's strategy of "management", which will significantly improve the effectiveness of therapy. Following and conducting are two interconnected processes, only in unity they allow to actualize the organismic tendency. The author concludes: 1) it should be recognized that the "stopping" of the psychotherapeutic process can be caused not by the client's unreadiness, but by the way of organizing his psyche; 2) one of the options for conceptualizing such a "stalling" is a violation of metacognitive functioning, which includes the authenticity and naturalness of experiences, as well as an understanding of their sources; 3) successful metacognitive functioning is associated with the experience of safe attachments; 4) the process of "following" the client can be supplemented by the strategy of "leadership".


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Author Biography

A. S. Kocharian, V.N. Kharkiv National University

Sq. Svobody 6, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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How to Cite
Kocharian, A. S. (2018). PROCESS IN THE CLIENT-CENTERED PSYCHOTHERAPY. Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy, (9), 16-22.