Functionalization and nanostructurization porous silicon surface layers

  • Є. І. Зубко Запорізька державна інженерна академія
Keywords: porous silicon, surface modification, nanostructuring


The possibility of creating multilayer coatings by modifying the method of electrolytic etching of single crystal silicon. Additives used in etching and HCl HBr. By electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the variation in the composition of the electrolyte and the current density results in a nanostructured surface of silicon in the form of layers of different thickness (200 – 400 nm), morphology and porosity.



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Є. І. Зубко, Запорізька державна інженерна академія


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How to Cite
Зубко, Є. І. (2017). Functionalization and nanostructurization porous silicon surface layers. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 11(2), 154 - 159. Retrieved from