Structure, phase composition and growth model of amorphous W/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors deposited by magnetron sputtering
multilayer X-ray mirror, amorphous coating, intermixing, density, composition
By methods of X-ray diffractometry and relectometry (λ = 0.154 nm) the structure and phase composition of W/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors (MXMs) deposited with DC magnetron sputtering are studied. It is shown that as a result of component interaction during the deposition process asymmetric silicide interlayers are formed at interfaces of multilayer system. The adjacent interlayers within the MXM period differ both by composition and thickness. The densities of each layer are estimated. Model of W/Si MXM construction is proposed.
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11. Voorma H. J., Louis E., Koster N. B., Bijkerk F. and Spiller E. Characterization of multilayers by Fourier analysis of x-ray reflectivity // J. Appl. Phys. — 1997. — Vol. 81, No. 9. — P. 6112–6119.
12. Зеркальная рентгеновская оптика / Под ред. А. В. Виноградова. — Ленинград: «Маши¬ностроение», 1989. — 317 с.
13. Henke B. L., Gullikson E. M., and Davis J. C. X-ray interactions: photoabsorption, scattering, transmission, and reflection at E = 50–30000 eV, Z = 1–92 // Atomic data and nuclear tables. — 1993. — Vol. 54. No. 2. — P. 181–342.
14. Gautier J., Delmotte F., Bridou F., Ravet M. F., Varniere F., Roulliay M., Jerome A., Vickridge I. Characterization and optimization of magnetron sputtered Sc/Si multilayers for extreme ultraviolet optics // Appl. Phys. A. — 2007. — Vol. 88, No. 4. — P. 719–725.
15. Christensen F. E., Hornstrup A. and Schnopper H. W. High-resolution X-ray diffraction studies of multilayers // J. Appl. Cryst. — 1988. — Vol. 21, No. 3. — P. 252–257.
How to Cite
Першин, Ю. П. (2016). Structure, phase composition and growth model of amorphous W/Si multilayer X-ray mirrors deposited by magnetron sputtering. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 1(1), 27–41. Retrieved from
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