Transition photoelectric processes in a superfluid gas-discharge cell with semiconductor electrodes

  • З. Хайдаров Fergana Polytechnic Institute
  • Х. Т. Йулдашев Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: gas-discharge cell, photo detector, breakdown delay, surface charge, watt ampere characteristic, kinetics of pulse current, intensity of glow discharge


In this paper, transient photoelectric processes in a hyperfine gas-discharge cell were investigated. The issues of delay of the gas discharge breakdown in the pulsed mode of the cell operation and the electrostatic phenomena of the transient processes are considered. It is established that the breakdown delay time depends on the semiconductor illumination intensity, the duration and magnitude of the voltage pulse, and also the state of the surface charge, that is, the field strength of the surface charges.


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Author Biographies

З. Хайдаров, Fergana Polytechnic Institute


Х. Т. Йулдашев, Fergana Polytechnic Institute



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How to Cite
Хайдаров, З., & Йулдашев, Х. Т. (2019). Transition photoelectric processes in a superfluid gas-discharge cell with semiconductor electrodes. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 3(3), 106 - 113. Retrieved from