Microhardnes of terbium monoantimonide films

Keywords: discrete vacuum thermal evaporation, microhardness, terbium monoantimonide, film, substrate


The microhardness of the thin crystal films of monoantimonide of terbium prepared on various substrates is investigated: fused silica, monocrystal silicon, polycrystalline glass. sapphire. Films are prepared by method of discrete vacuum-thermal evaporation of the beforehand synthesized volume material. The research of a microhardness of the prepared films on an ultra microhardness gage of DUH-211S is conducted by Vikkers's indentor. It is shown that the microhardness of films depends both on depth of a dimpling and on substrate material.


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Author Biographies

Н. Туркадзе, Georgian Technical University


З. Джабуа, Georgian Technical University


А. Гигинеишвили, Georgian Technical University



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How to Cite
Туркадзе, Н., Джабуа, З., & Гигинеишвили, А. (2019). Microhardnes of terbium monoantimonide films. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering, 3(2), 68-71. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pse/article/view/13668