Possibilities of application of cognitive-behavioral therapy to achieve remission in alcohol dependence

Keywords: Key words: alcohol dependence, cognitive-behavioral therapy, remission



The problem of abuse of psychoactive substances and the search for effective means for its treatment remains an acute topic in modern psychiatry and narcology. To date, cognitive-behavioral therapy when applied to patients with alcohol addiction is one of the most promising methods of treatment. This method of treatment is aimed at preventing and minimizing relapse.

The purpose of this work was to study the possibilities of using cognitive-behavioral therapy to achieve remissions in alcohol addiction.

Materials and methods: modern literary scientific data were analyzed regarding the issues of indicators of the effectiveness of alcohol addiction treatment, understanding the concept of remission and its prognostic factors, the personality profile of addicted persons, and the direct application of cognitive-behavioral therapy to achieve remissions in alcohol addiction.

The results. The analysis of literature data showed that the duration, stability and quality of remissions are important for evaluating the effectiveness of alcohol addiction treatment. When a remission is established, such factors as the duration of anti-alcohol therapy, stress resistance, personality profile of the addict and supportive therapy are of prognostic value. Cognitive-behavioral theory views alcohol addiction as an inadequate way to cope with problems or needs. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for alcohol addiction uses a standard set of methods, educational coping strategies that take into account the identification and specificity of situations when coping is inconsistent, as well as training, modeling, role-playing and behavioral rehearsals. These methods are intended not only to increase the level of cognitive and behavioral coping, but also to facilitate the perception of external influences and improve adaptation in stressful situations. Learning coping skills to overcome their deficit, eliminating factors that can prevent overcoming a breakdown and ensuring their adequate application in practice is a necessary condition for the effective use of cognitive-behavioral therapy. The methods of this type of therapy make it possible to show the patient that social learning plays an important role in the development of rigid thinking and maladaptive behavior and are designed to develop and strengthen self-control.

Conclusions. Thus, the analysis of literary sources showed that cognitive-behavioral therapy for addicts is a short-term, structured method of psychotherapy aimed at developing the skills of controlling addictive behavior in patients with alcohol addiction in the conditions of forming and maintaining remission.


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How to Cite
Vovk Viktoriya, & Strashok Oleg. (2023). Possibilities of application of cognitive-behavioral therapy to achieve remission in alcohol dependence. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, (21), 6-12. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-5675-2023-21-01