Pathopsychological gender features of the adaptation and motivation processes among students of higher educational medical institutions of the first semester of training
The analysis of the peculiarities of the adaptation period of the first-year students of the medical school is given, as well as motivation as a biochemical and physiological processes of the organism. It is indicated that motivation is not a static concept and is subject to transformation, and the activity of the organism is determined by the dominant motivation, which subordinates all others. Adaptational and motivational gender features were studied among 67 first year students of the medical school. The obtained data testify to the predominantly external motivation of male students and internal motivation among female students. The motives of choice for girls were the cognitive motives and motives of professional achievements, while the guys had social motives and motives for personal prestige. Identified features of motivation are the most significant for academic achievement. Also, a pronounced psychoasthenic syndrome (especially among girls) was revealed, that confirms the study in the first year of the university as a stressful and disadaptive factor. The obtained data is required further in-depth study.
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