Resonant modes in the system of two wide interacting Josephson junctions

  • Alexander Grib Physics Department, Kharkiv V. N. Karazin National University, Svobody sq. 4, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Josephson junctions, high-temperature superconductors, Fiske steps, resonant modes


Zero-field steps and Fiske steps in IV-characteristics of the stack of two inductively coupled wide Josephson junctions with normal edges were investigated numerically. It was found that inductive coupling of junctions leaded to splitting of each of the step in two steps. Dependences of frequencies of steps on the parameter which characterizes inductive coupling of junctions obeyed the relation obtained for frequencies of inductively coupled resonance contours. Dependences of amplitudes of split Fiske steps on applied external magnetic field were calculated and compared with the theory.   


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How to Cite
Grib, A. (2015). Resonant modes in the system of two wide interacting Josephson junctions. Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics, 1158(22), 51-57. Retrieved from