Computer indexing Laue diffraction pattern, the determination of the crystallographic orientation of the grains relative to the main directions in the crystal and the Schmid factor for all slip systems

  • T. R. Zetova Department of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics, Kharkov National University, 4 Svoboda Sq., 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine
  • E. V. Ftemov Department of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics, Kharkov National University, 4 Svoboda Sq., 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine
  • A. G. Tonkopryad Department of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics, Kharkov National University, 4 Svoboda Sq., 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine
  • E. E. Badiyan Department of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics, Kharkov National University, 4 Svoboda Sq., 61077 Kharkov, Ukraine
Keywords: computer technique, the unit vectors, crystallographic orientation, Schmid factor


We describe a technique of computer indexing Laue patterns, determining the crystallographic orientation of the single-crystal sample (or a single grain of a polycrystal) relative to the main directions in the crystal, and Schmid factors for all systems sliding without the use of construction of a stereographic projection of the normals to the reflecting planes.

The basic algorithm of this procedure is to define and build a system of unit vectors of the normals to the Laue diffraction pattern, and according to the terms of her shooting, similar to the definition of the radius vector to the crystallographic orientation of the crystal planes known, combining them into a single computer center and a reversal of these systems relative to each other before the match First the radius vector with a portion of the latter. Thus, the indices of the reflecting planes are determined to Laue spots. After the Laue diffraction pattern indexing program to determine the crystallographic orientation of the studied sample and Schmid factor values for all slip systems.


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How to Cite
Zetova, T. R., Ftemov, E. V., Tonkopryad, A. G., & Badiyan, E. E. (2015). Computer indexing Laue diffraction pattern, the determination of the crystallographic orientation of the grains relative to the main directions in the crystal and the Schmid factor for all slip systems. Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series Physics, 1158(22), 31-34. Retrieved from