Peer review process

The policy of reviewing articles of the International scientific and practical journal "Photobiology and Photomedicine"

All scientific articles received by the editors of the International Scientific and Practical Journal "Photobiology and Photomedicine" are subject to mandatory review.

The editors defined the following article review procedure:

- upon receipt of the article by the editor, its compliance with the subject of the journal and the rules of design is evaluated. Articles that do not meet accepted requirements are not registered and are not allowed for further consideration;

- an article corresponding to the subject of the journal and the rules of design is checked for plagiarism. If the similarity coefficient is less than 20%, the article is sent for internal review;

- internal review is carried out within 7 working days after registration of the article in the editorial office. If a positive review is gives by an internal reviewer, a copy of the article is sent for “double blind” review to leading experts. The executive editor assigns reviewers;

- to review articles, reviewers can be members of the editorial board of the journal "Photobiology and Photomedicine", as well as third-party highly qualified specialists with deep professional knowledge and experience in specific research areas;

- the term of a “double blind” review does not exceed three weeks;

- interaction between the author and reviewers takes place by correspondence by e-mail through the editors of the journal "Photobiology and Photomedicine";

- if the reviewer indicates the need to make certain adjustments to the article, the article is sent to the author with the proposal to take into account the comments or to refute them reasonably. The author adds a message to the revised article containing answers to all comments and explains all changes made to the article. The revised version is re-submitted to the reviewer to make a decision and prepare a conclusion on the possibility of publication;

- the date the article was accepted for publication is the date the editorial board received the positive opinion of the reviewer (or the decision of the editorial board) on the advisability and possibility of publishing the article;

- after receiving positive reviews, the article is sent to literary and technical editing. The interaction of the author and the literary (technical) editor can take place in any form - in person, e-mail, phone. Minor stylistic or formal corrections that do not affect the content of the article are made by the literary (technical) editor without agreement with the author;

- the final decision on the possibility of publishing an article in a journal is made by the editor-in-chief.