Mechanisms of influence of low-intensity optical radiation on microcirculation system (review)

  • Н. Н. Кизилова
  • А. М. Коробов
Keywords: Blood microcirculation system, low-intensity optical radiation, the effects and mechanisms of action, mathematical models.


The paper provides an overview of the effects and mechanisms of action of low-intensity optical radiation of lasers and LEDs at the molecular, cellular, tissue and body levels.

It is known that all the processes in living bodies at all levels of their organization are linked to the transfer and transformation of energy. Moreover, in the majority of these processes light is a primary energy source. Effects of optical radiation on plants and animals are diverse and are associated with the respective specific photosensitive molecules, and change of their conformation and physiological activity, which causes a change in the metabolism at the cellular level. The light effect is also associated with metabolic signaling networks, which cause the reaction at the level of tissues and whole body.

Currently, optical radiation is widely used in traditional medicine as a part of therapeutic and rehabilitation group of measures, in physical therapy and veterinary medicine, particularly in treatment of infectious diseases, disorders of skin, sinews, ligaments, joints, bed sores, respiratory disorders, after wound processes, growth and development disorders, in hyperbilirubinemia treatment. In recent years, great attention has been paid to the therapeutic use of non-destructive and non-toxic LIOR of lasers (low level energy lasers, LLEL) and LEDs (light-emitting diodes).

Low-intensity optical radiation (LIOR) accelerates wound healing, shows anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (may also be applied as postoperative analgesic), protects cells and prevents their destruction, caused by cytotoxic factors. Intensification of microcirculation under the influence of optical radiation may be a key mechanism of wound healing and pain reduction. Number of references show the cytoprotective action of LIOR of different wavelengths and doses on cells in culture, including cells treated with poisons: cyanide, tetrodotoxin, rotenone and MPP +. The cytoprotective effect of LIOR and apoptosis reduction were observed in amyloid-beta treated neurons.

Recently, there has been a growing interest in the therapeutic use of nondestructive non-invasive methods, such as LED light, which practically have no negative aftereffects and contraindications. In this case, the action mechanisms of photons is associated with cellular and subcellular receptors, whose photoinduced increased or decreased activity results in a pathway at the cellular and tissue level, and then in the whole body.

The determined LIOR mechanisms of action at tissue level are the following:

1)  Photochemical – the energy of the optical radiation is absorbed by the light-sensitive molecules, and then transferred to other molecules and molecular structures that are involved in signaling and metabolic processes regulation at the molecular level. The greatest effect for each light-sensitive molecule is caused by exposure to the wavelength range corresponding to the maximum of its absorption.

2)  Photothermal – light-induced hyperthermia, thermic dynamic reactions, and at higher intensities – light-induced evaporation (photovaporisation), selective photothermolysis, light-induced coagulation and tissue fusion.

3)  Photomechanical – chemical and thermal photoablation, photofragmentation and photodisruption.

4)  The photophysical – pyroelectric effect (pyroelectricity).

Selection of the optimal spectral range, the optimal dose and exposure mode is one of the most important issues of low-intensity phototherapy. Currently, the objective information on the mechanisms, patterns and results of impact of LIOR on tissues and cells is not enough to develop and implement specific (strictly regulated) clinical procedures, so phototherapy is conducted in addition to standard therapeutic and rehabilitation activities.

The article also details the propagation of optical radiation in biological tissues as multilayer anisotropic materials in terms of mathematical models.


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How to Cite
Кизилова, Н. Н., & Коробов, А. М. (2017). Mechanisms of influence of low-intensity optical radiation on microcirculation system (review). Photobiology and Photomedicine, 13(1, 2), 75-95. Retrieved from
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine

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