Binaural correction of psychological state of patients with discogenic dorsopathy

  • М. В. Чухраєв
  • О. О. Древіцька
  • Л. В. Буцька
  • В. І. Левковська
  • О. О. Данілова
Keywords: Discogenic dorsopathy, psychological state, binaural correction, photic stimulation, laser radiation of red and infrared spectral ranges.


Pain syndromes of the spine are known for not only older people but also people of young and middle working age. Therefore, issues of diagnosis and treatment of spinal pain syndromes are getting pressing. An analysis of domestic and foreign literature showed that manual therapy, physiotherapy, the spine column tractions, as well as other WHO-recommended methods to treat pain syndromes do not solve the problem completely. Surgical stabilization with spinal decompression is a relatively expensive method for treating, which is used in a small number of patients with discogenic dorsopathy, often in those with a complicated run of the disease, in particular probable intervertebral disc herniae, spinal stenosis, etc.

The up-to-date requirements to the process of remedial treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with discogenic dorsopathy are caused by the need to use a systematic, multifactor approach involving innovative technologies. This allows optimizing the medication doses to ensure the physiological restoration of disturbed organs or functional systems, reducing the costs and cutting the time of the remedial treatment and rehabilitation, as well as to improve significantly the quality of life of such patients.

In this regard, the development of new methods for the conservative treatment of back pain is perspective and topical.

Study objective. The development of protocols and studying the effectiveness of the psychological state of patients with discogenic dorsopathy based on binaural therapy and photic stimulation.

Materials and methods of the study. To determine the most effective protocol of treating the discogenic dorsopathies, the pilot studies were carried out on 30 patients aged 32-47 years (14 women and 16 men). The presence of discogenic dorsopathies and anxious depression according to Beck scale in patients and their informed consent to participate is the study entry criterion. The patients were randomly divided into two groups by 15 patients (7 women and 8 men).

In the I group the treatment was conducted by the method of ultrasound phoresis of the product ‘Discus compositum’ of the Heel Company (Germany).

The procedures were carried out in decompression state of the spine column (on a couch at an angle of 10-25 degrees relative to the horizon, or with the use of an additional adjustment) 3 times a week according to a lability technique using it paravertebrally on the discogenic dorsopathy zone. The duration of a single procedure is 15 minutes, a treatment course consists of 9 procedures. Along with phonophoresis, the effect of magnetic field in a therapeutic dose was applied in the pain zone.

In the II group the treatment was performed similarly to the first group with the addition of sound effect simultaneously on the left and right ear on a frequency of binaural rhythms and photic stimulation of the glabellar arcs zones and the foramen magnum on the individual therapeutic frequency using red and infrared laser radiation.

A model of the study included a clinical and neurological evaluation of the patients, determining the pain intensity by the scale of assessing the autonomic nervous system state, quality of life SF-36, VAS before and after the treatment. To evaluate the clinical manifestations, the Fairbank questionnaire of pain intensity was used to assess the level of a depressive disorder – the Beck scale.

The results of the study showed positive dynamics of clinical manifestations in both groups of patients with discogenic dorsopathy. It was found that a combination of analgesic drug phonophoresis onto the pain zone in combination with magneto-laser stimulation of the cortex on the individually selected therapeutic frequency and with binaural rhythms on the analgesic frequency, the clinical manifestations of pain are decreased by 45-65% and the level of depression by nearly 60%.

It is determined thatthe most effective protocol of treatingthe discogenic dorsopathy islocal administration of the product “Discus compositum” into the pain zone by phonophoresis at the decompression state of the spine column. Additional correction of anxious depression with the use of photo-magnetic stimulation on an individual frequency and simultaneous sound effects on binaural rhythms enhances the therapeutic effect of medical treatment, and effectively reduces the level of depression.


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How to Cite
Чухраєв, М. В., Древіцька, О. О., Буцька, Л. В., Левковська, В. І., & Данілова, О. О. (2017). Binaural correction of psychological state of patients with discogenic dorsopathy. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 13(1, 2), 32-37. Retrieved from
Clinical photomedicine