Metrological characteristics of distribution of measurement errors in the system of muller-matrix mapping layers of biological tissue.

  • Н. І. Заболотна
  • С. В. Павлов
Keywords: Mueller-matrix mapping, biological tissues, Mueller matrix, polarization, statistics, correlation and statistical moments, coordinate distributions of errors.


Experimental results of measurement values Mueller matrix elements of glucose solution (reference object) in Mueller-matrix system mapping were obtained. For the first time the magnitude of errors and measuring range of statistical values, correlation and spectral moments characterizing the coordinate distribution of «orientation», «orientation-phase» and «phase» Mueller-matrix image optically anisotropic layers are defined.


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How to Cite
Заболотна, Н. І., & Павлов, С. В. (2016). Metrological characteristics of distribution of measurement errors in the system of muller-matrix mapping layers of biological tissue. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(1, 2), 89-95. Retrieved from
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine