Synthesis and experimental testing of a new nanocomposite photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy.

  • И. А. Штонь
  • В. А. Чумаченко
  • Е. Д. Шишко
  • Н. В. Куцевол
  • К. Г. Арсентьева
  • Н. Ф. Гамалея
Keywords: Copolymer, polyacrylamide, dextran, gold nanoparticles, chlorin e6, photodynamic therapy, singlet oxygen, cell line MT-4, mouse Lewis carcinoma.


Gold nanoparticles were synthesized in copolymer dextran-polyacrylamide matrix. The distribution of nanoparticles in the colloidal solution by size was characterized by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. Obtained gold nanoparticles were used for nanocomposite photosensitizer preparation by their combining with chlorine e6. In in vitro studies on human malignant lymphocytes, nanocomposite photodynamic activity was two times higher than that for free chlorin e6. High photodynamic antitumor activity of the nanocomposite was confirmed in experiments on mice with transplanted Lewis lung carcinoma.


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How to Cite
Штонь, И. А., Чумаченко, В. А., Шишко, Е. Д., Куцевол, Н. В., Арсентьева, К. Г., & Гамалея, Н. Ф. (2016). Synthesis and experimental testing of a new nanocomposite photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(1, 2), 54-60. Retrieved from
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine